How to remove the "who to follow" suggestions on new twitter

By using the power of user styles functionality in your browser you can banish the annoying "who to follow" suggestions panel from new twitter forever. What you will need:
Install the above and you go from this:

to this:

Some poems I wrote when I was 21..

My parents recently dropped off a couple of my old portfolios from my time at Brighton Uni... hidden in the pockets of one of these I found 2 poems I had forgotten I had written. Not sure if they constitute as "good content" or that I even remember being this person... but here they are for posterity:


Concious of a failing love, I am on my own again.
Retrospective of the one above; to live I don't know how.

Forceful lies and weak excuses
help me avoid my deepest desires.
Seeing you; hearing you
reproduces the feelings I have tired to disacquire.

Covered by a layer of disillusion
I strain against the on-coming tide of depression.
Tones and pitch rein on the mind:
Dropping the mental barriers to see what is behind.

Unable to hold any longer, I weep myself to sleep.
Because today on my own
I can no longer cope
without hope of a lasting resolution.

The Sea

Sitting on the breakwater getting saturated with salt water.
I feel free
The horizon has no end but bends.
My resistance as I stand, is like one man against an army.
I must sit for fear of falling into the icy depths
It is cold and wet, but I can not feel it
The water itself is a blanket against such things
Aggressive waves rip-tide and drag floating debris to its cloudy deep:
The see has eternal tempo, unable to resist
No wave nor ripple from skipping stone will ever again be
This is the overwhelming power of the Luna sea.

How to optimise your post page titles on your blogspot blog

The typical page titles on a blogger post are of the form:

Blog title - Post title

This is because the default Blogger templates come with a tag inserted into the pages that
automatically puts the blog title before every post title in the title tags of the post pages.

Obviously it make much more sense to put your post name at the begining
of the title tag not only for seo but for also for making your title more relevant when it appears in search engine results pages.

How you make your page titles optimised for your post pages on your blogger blog

  1. Goto to Design in your blogger admin
  2. Click on Edit HTML
  3. Download a backup of your blogger template (ALWAYS do this before mucking about with blogger templates)
  4. Look for this code in your blog template:
  5. Replace this with:
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;index&quot;'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
What this code does is stipulate that anything but an index page should show the post title before the blog title. There are obviously tweaks that can be made to this simple bit of code to change things further (like removing the blog title from the page titles and replacing it with static text like this example:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> - Alternative Text</title>

For further optimisation or tweaking I'd recommend reading the blogger data tags help page

tootricky's blog 2010